Accidents do happen. Even when you think that you did nothing wrong. You might be driving at your best behaviour, not bending any rules that is possible to bend. But somehow, at the end of the day, you might be end up in the hospital.
You're on your death bed. You're comatose - that's what the doctor said. You need life support - and you breathe involuntary through the ventilator. People say, even though you look helpless, lifeless, but somehow you can feel. You can still hear. You can still feel a person's touch.You can still hope that you will get through this.
I wonder, if I am to go through that journey, who will be there next to my bed? Who will be the first person that appears at the hospital, to come to my aid? Who will the nurses call to report my fatal circumstances? Will it be a friend? Will it be someone who truly cared about me, that I never knew about? Will it be my mother, the only person I know would care, who came all the way across the sea? But I might be dead by then. But who will be there sitting next to my bed, holding and caress my hand, whispers to my ears, asking me to wake up...? who will that person be?
What if this to happen today, tomorrow, or any day in the future..? Will I never have that one person who cares dearly for me?
So what will happen, if I.....?